"Behold, what manner of
love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons
of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not" (1 John 3:3)
As I walked into the cottage at Lakeside last week during Annual Conference I found everyone abuzz with excitement about the latest news. Our grandson Sean had finally gotten his first tooth. Everyone was trying to take pictures and trying to get a finger in to find his tooth. When we called people that week, especially people in the family, this is how we began every conversation: "Hello. Did you know Sean has his first tooth?" And, of course, because we have such nice friends and family, everyone was either excited or feigned excitement for us. To be honest I'm a bit surprised and not a little offended that CNN and Fox didn't make this their lead story "Local, incredibly smart and bright child develops first tooth all on his own."
Once the furor died down, and as we drew close to Father's day, I began to think about how excited we got at such a small thing. If you think about it, he really didn't accomplish much on his own other than some tireless chewing to get the tooth to finally poke through. He didn't event a cure for a disease. It's just a tooth. A small, tiny, seemingly perfect tooth. If you came to me and told me that your child or grandchild had gotten their first tooth, I would smile and congratulate you I'm sure. And then I'd probably forget all about it. So why are we so excited? Because this small thing happened to one of ours.
That's what parents (and grandparents) do isn't it? We get excited over what are, in truth, fairly mundane accomplishments. Look! Little Allie tied her shoe! Let's go get ice cream. I've tied my shoes for years now and nobody ever notices. No one gets excited. The best I can hope for is that someone will tell me when they come untied. We rejoice the first time a child rides a bike. Why? Billions of people all over the world are doing the same thing at the exact same moment. So why do we get so excited?
Because this child is ours. And there are no small accomplishments. Even the failures are celebrated if the child tries. When it's our child, there are no small accomplishments. Only milestones. With each small step we see them move toward the person they will become. That first tooth will be the smile they flash at graduation. That first step your daughter takes one day becomes the step down the aisle as she gets married. The first bike ride becomes a step toward becoming the person God created them to be as they go out to tackle their own problems.
As I read the Scripture at the top of page, it occurred to me this is exactly how God loves us. John says, "Behold: look at the manner the Father loves us!" He loves us as a father loves his children. John is caught up in wonder at the passionate love of God for His children. Can you imagine? Every time you make even a small step in your Christian faith all of heaven is abuzz. Did you hear? John prayed today for someone other than himself? Did I tell you? Mary read her Bible today. Everyone, come get a picture. David is helping with vacation Bible School. Mark and Katie put a tithe in the offering plate!
And, at the center of this mob, is the one who is cheering and bragging the most. It's God our Father. But why? The things we do as we grow in spiritual maturity seem awfully small. They really aren't that big a deal. Lots of people do them. We don't even do them that well sometimes. So why would God get so excited? Because you are His. Before you were born God knew you and had a plan for your life. For our heavenly Father, there are no small accomplishments. They are milestones, as we move toward the mature Christ-like beings we were meant to be. The small step you take will one day be the walk of the church, the bride of Christ as she comes to meet her groom, her beloved Jesus. And God rejoices.
Little wonder God gets so excited. After all you are His. Today, if you find yourself even taking a small step toward God, rejoice. He does. Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us. Behold indeed.
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Brian Jones <><
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