Kids Own Worship at 9 and 11
The First Sunday of Each Month
Celebration of Holy Communion at all worship services
Christmas Eve
Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
4:30 pm, Family Service - Sanctuary Children present a Christmas musical and drama
5:00 pm, Crossroads Contemporary Worship - Fellowship Hall
6:15 pm, Crossroads Contemporary Worship - Fellowship Hall
7:30 pm, Christmas by Candlelight Service - Sanctuary
10:15-10:45 pm, Celebration of Holy Communion - Sanctuary
11:00 pm, Christmas by Candlelight Service - Sanctuary
Ash Wednesday
Beginning the season of Lent with a service of repentance for our sins. Lent is a time to cleanse re-commit ourselves to follow Jesus. The season lasts for forty days (not including Sundays) and ends at Easter.
Noon, Traditional Worship - Chapel
7 pm, Traditional Worship - Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday
Remembering the night before Jesus' death. Celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion
7 pm, Traditional Worship-Sanctuary
Good Friday
Commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Noon, Traditional Worship-Sanctuary
Easter Sunday
Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ
7 am, Sunrise Contemporary Worship - Fellowship Hall, led by Trinity Youth
9 am, Traditional Worship - Sanctuary
9 am, Contemporary Worship - Fellowshp Hall
10 am, Hymn Sing - Sanctuary
11 am, Traditional Worship - Sanctuary
11 am, Contemporary Worship - Fellowship Hall
Confirmation Sunday
Youth confirm their faith and become full members of the church
11 am, Combined Traditional/Contemporary Worship - Sanctuary