"You have heard it said, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But I say, do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also. (Matthew 5:38)
Signs, Signs, Everywhere there's signs.
Blocking out the scenery. Breaking my mind.
Do this! Don't do that! Can't you read the signs? (5 Man Electric band)
This song, from the early 70's, was your typical, don't tell me what to do protest song. It came from a young generation saying to the world, "Don't tell Me What To DO." "Don't set Your limits on me." Which sounds great when you are 17 or 18. (No insult to the 17-18 year old out there. None of us likes to be told what we can and can't do when we were your age.) It sounds great, I mean how can anyone set boundaries for me to live by?
Of course at some point we mature and we begin to appreciate, perhaps even cherish, our boundaries. I wonder how many Teens from 1971, sang this at the top of their lungs driving their Chevelle are now in their early sixties with "Keep Off The Grass" signs in their yard, and "No Solicitors" stickers on their front door.? Maturity and irony often walk hand in hand.
The truth of the matter is we all like boundaries, at least when we set them. It allows us to keep people from getting too invasive in our lives. It helps us set limits. We live in an odd time where we on one hand are losing privacy due to the Internet and social media, yet because of the exact same things are having less and less face to face interaction with other people. Those boundaries we set help us find a measure of control over lie. Our boundaries keep us sane.
What are your boundaries? Your private life? Your work? Are your politics not subject to conversation? Is it simply that you don't answer your home phone during dinner or after 9:00 at night? What ever your boundaries are they are important aren't they? How often have we heard it said, "I just wish they would they would respect my privacy, or respect my boundaries"?
This past week, I went to a mandated meeting for clergy in our conference looking at, you guessed it boundaries. Not just the normal "Be careful about inappropriate physical contact" boundaries. We looked at all sorts of boundaries. Boundaries when we meet, preach, Boundaries of self care and awareness. While there was some good natured griping at having to come to a mandatory meeting, I didn't hear anyone disagree with the topic. Everyone agreed boundaries are important and we need to do a better job of keeping them.
I wonder though if our love of boundaries, and the demand that they be respected, is pen of the things that hampers our discipleship. Or at the very least hampers the end goal of our discipleship? What is the end goal of following Jesus? Isn't it that we become like Christ? We are called to allow Jesus to make us like Him. To fill us with His Spirit and share Him with the world.
But in order to to do that Jesus must begin to break the boundaries in our lives. If one takes the time to read though any of the Gospels it doesn't take long to see Jesus is no respecter of boundaries. In fact He delights to break them down. Not because he is running through Galilee singing "Signs, Signs" (although He might.), but because Jesus is determined to redeem the world.
Jesus breaks the barrier of what we consider sin. The Scripture at the top of the page is from the Sermon on eh Mount. Jesus says our sin is NOT just what we do but what we think. He even goes so far as to say our good intentions aren't good enough. have you let Jesus break the boundary and define sin in your life?
Jesus breaks the boundary of the power of sin in our lives. Most of us would love to be able to rely on the idea that "We just couldn't help ourselves." or "everyone does it." or even "I'm powerless." Jesus says I can free you from the boundaries sin has placed on your life will you let me?
He breaks the boundaries of our tendency to hold grudges and not forgive. He breaks the boundaries of class and racism. He breaks the boundaries of rich vs. poor. He even breaks the boundaries of how we define true wealth.
He even breaks the boundaries we have set up in the dark places of our souls. Most of us have a No Trespassing sign up somewhere in our lives. It might be how we feel about our parents. Or a sin we cherish. It might be our ethics at work or how we treat our spouse. It might be a wrong we did, or a wrong done to us.
Whatever that No Trespassing zone is in your life, Jesus wants to break the boundary. He says to you you will never be truly free to become all I want you to be until I do. I can break the boundaries and free you of so much hurt and pain in life. I can break the boundaries that are holding you back form enjoying life and being filled with my Spirit.
Jesus wants to break the boundaries in your life today. Will you let Him? Will you simply pray "Jesus, I've tired to keep you out of this place in my life or heart. But today I invite you in. i ask that you take it over and free me of everything that is holding me back." If you pray, Jesus will answer. And he will set you free. Just think, losing your No Trespassing sign, and replacing it with a sign that simply says "Set Free by Jesus." That's a sign we all can live with.
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Brian Jones
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