Monday, January 6, 2014

The Rhythm Of Life

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

  This morning reminded me why I am not a fan of winter. Last night I took the dog outside and it was a rainy 40 degrees outside, which is not bad for central Ohio in January.  When I got up this morning it was 3 degrees outside. yes 3. And it's going to get colder as the day goes on.  You know it's not going to be a good day when it starts out at 3 and it's going to g o downhill from there.  I understand a little bit of cold and snow. After all it's Ohio, not Hawaii. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume the weather isn't going to revival Hoth in temperature as the wind chill reaches -30.  Yes you read that right, -30

  I'm going to keep much of my complaints to myself. All we have is bitter cold.  Just an hour North of us they have bitter cold and at least 10 inches of snow that fell yesterday.  You can see why I'm not a fan.  I know that many others disagree with me.  They love the cold snowy weather and can't wait to break out their North Face jackets and curling stones the first time they see a snowflake. God bless you. Enjoy it. Just don't expect me to make the toboggan run with you.

  I like the rest of the seasons. I love Spring (baseball begins) and fall (Football begins).  I like the long hot days of summer and the slight change in speed since the kids are out of school.  But winter just doesn't do it for me.

  But I understand the need for it. winter is a part of the rhythm of life in nature. It allows nature to rest and be dormant. If the land and plants, many trees get the chance to rest they won't be as productive in the spring and summer. It will effect the harvest in the Fall. Winter also effects us the same way.  I don't know if we would enjoy the ifs warm day, or the first flowers that bloom with out having to go through long grey days of winter. In fact as we look at each season we can see how necessary they are, birth production harvest and rest. Each with its own beauty and importance (yes, I'll admit , begrudgingly, even winter). 

  Having a rhythm to life is not just for nature is it? We too are called to have just such a rhythm to life. A time for ideas and hopes to generate a time to be productive and to harvest. And a  time to rest.   God teaches us this in genesis with the modelling of a Sabbath. He then reminds us of it's importance in the ten commandments and in Ecclesiastes. there is a time for every thing. A time to work and a time to stop,  worship regain perspective. Without we lose sight of the importance ,or lack of importance of the other seasons of life.  Just as we would wear the earth out if we went right from Harvest to Spring, so we can wear out our souls when we don't understand the need for Sabbath.

  But it's more than that isn't it? The rhythm of Life God establishes for us is more than a week to week thing.  I've found that there is also a rhythm to experiencing the presence of God in my life.  There are times when I feel His presence in an incredible way. And it's wonderful.  It fills my heart. It causes me to be more like Him.It affirms my faith. It gives me joy, unspeakable joy.  Have you had those moments in your life?  I certainly hope so. It may have been during a retreat or during worship. It may have been a song  on the radio. Or something in nature. Sometimes you can't put your finger on it. God's presence just  visits you and blesses you.  these are great moments of renewal and revival.

  But I've also experienced the other season as well. The winter of the heart, or what St. John of the Cross called "The Dark Night Of the Soul." There are times when I just can't feel God's presence.  Those moments when I simply can't find God.

 I feel like this song by "Barlow Girl" (cut and paste into your browser  we'll wait for you)

  I wait for God but I can't find Him. It feels as if he has withdrawn the sense of His presence. Now certainly at times this is my fault. I haven't kept to the rhythm of the Sabbath. I've allowed sin to remove my heart from the holy of holys and I simply cannot experience the reality of Christ. 

  But there are also time when as far as I can tell I'm doing everything "right". Private and corporate worship, accountability group, reading my Bible, spending time in prayer.  And I still don't feel anything. My soul is in it's winter and it's grown dormant.

  So what do you do when it's winter in your heart?  Given there is no sin to confess no sabbath rhythm to reestablish what do you do? As I look back at this passage in Ecclesiastes, it tells me to simply not sweat it. There is a season for all things  A season to be on the mountain with God and a season in the valley. And they are both OK. The times of winter and being in the valley have lesson for us as well. It's in those times my faith grows the most. Anyone can have faith  on the mountain.  The valley causes us to grow.  The time of winter allows me  to really concentrate on-God and grow deeper because I'm not caught up in the emotion of the moment.  And it is in those times as I seek Him and it's quiet that I discover His presence isn't always dependent on how much I "feel it".  And like the first warm day after a long grey winter  when God's presence floods my soul again it is sweeter and more appreciated than ever before. 

  So if that's where you are today, don't panic.  This season will pass just as the icy bitter winds will pass. The season of warmth and joy will return.  Take the time to make sure you aren't out of rhythm and there is no sin barring you from God. Just keep on keeping on. Continue to pray because He hears you even if you can't always hear Him. Walk with Him even when you can't sense His presence for He never leaves us. Continue to worship, read your Bibles and grow. You'll look back some day and see these are incredible times of growth. And hold on. His warmth and the joy of Spring will come as it always does. Spring and resurrection, new Birth always follow the winter, even the winter of the heart.

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Brian Jones <><

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