"And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us" Hebrews 12:1
This pas t weekend I went to the Arnold Expo here in Columbus. It's an entire weekend dedicated to fitness in every aspect imaginable. Running limiting, body building, martial arts, fencing, gymnastics and dancing. You name it, they have it.
The expo draws seemingly hundreds of thousands of people. Many of them are obviously in great shape. I mean incredible shape. Huge shape. Odd shape to be honest. But they have dedicated themselves to getting that way.
I've ,ong since given up on the idea that I'll ever look like that. And I'm OK with that. However I do come away every year hoping that I can get in better shape. I come away inspired, so to speak. I come away thinking, if I really put the time and energy in, what type of shape could I get in physically?
As we continue in Lent, I think that''s the question we should be asking of our spirits. If we really trained our sports, what type of shape could we get in. Just like our bodies, it doesn't just happen. Well wishes mean nothing. We have to put in the time.
Are you training your spirit? Are you reading Scripture, spending time in prayer daily? Doing good works, serving others? Spending time with God, just enjoying His presence? What might your spirit look like if you put in the time? You just might find yourself looking like Jesus
In Christ,
Rev. dr. Brian Jones
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