Monday, December 9, 2013

World Changer

"This will be a sign for you; you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth lying in a manger" (Luke2:12)

  The headline on Twitter read: " UFC Champion Ronda Rousey named as a person who will change the world" For those not in the know, UFC stands for the Ultimate Fighting Challenge". It is the premier organization that oversees Mixed Martial Art competitions.  For those further not in the know Mixed Martial Arts consists of striking and grappling techniques. One can win by being ahead on pints or a knockout just like boxing, or if ones opponent submits and taps out (either tapping their opponent or the ground several times).

   And Ronda Rousey is at the top of the heap. She is the first women's champion. She is undefeated in her fights.  Her mother was a champion competitor in Judo. Rousey herself is not only a national champion in Judo but also won a bronze medal in the 2008 Summer Olympics. She was one of, if not the first, US Woman to medal in the sport.

  When you are first in a sport, and can maintain a high level of success fame and fortune come your way.  That's just how it is. Ms. Rousey enjoys lucrative endorsement deals, appeared as a coach in a popular television show and will be in a movie this coming summer.

  And I certainly wish her all the best. She is an entertaining fighter.  I like to watch her fight. But world changer? I suppose you can make a case that she has opened a path way for other women in her sport. But world  changer?  I wondered how someone who fights for a living and bread and butter move is to bend other people's arms into unnatural positions can change the world. It makes me wonder if  we have either lifted the power of athletes and athletics to a too high position or if we have lowered the bar of what it would take to truly change the world.  Probably a little bit of both.

     We have a tendency to believe those who are famous have some sort of mysterious power to actually effect and change the world around us.  Many years ago it was fairly common to see movie stars address congress because they had played a certain role in a movie. If a move dealt with  an issue congress was debating you could rest assured that the star would be there to testify.  Of course it's absurd, but hardly anyone batted an eye Why? They are famous therefore they can change the world. And we certainly do this with athletes as well.

  I also think we have lowered the bar as to what it means to change the world.  Almost any technology that comes out is touted as something that will revolutionize and change the world (Segway anyone?).  I don't question that much technology has changed the way we do certain things in the world. But has it really changed the world?  We haven't even begun to look at if those changes are good or bad.

     The problem of course is that  while people and things can change a part of the world, people fall out of popularity and some day pass away. every technological advance becomes old and useless at some point. And yet we still seem to have a hope that the world can change.  We have a dream that eh world can be different. Where will we find someone who truly changes the world?

  We find Him, oddly enough in a manger over 200 years ago. There in that dirty stall the Incarnation was witnessed. God laid aside His heavenly glory and was born into the world. Jesus of Nazareth. The Messiah, the Christ, The Son of God. The Lamb who would take away the sin of the world.  He would receive no lucrative endorsement deal and would be abandoned by his friends a few short hours before His crucifixion.  His death destroyed the power of sin His resurrection that first Easter morning destroyed the power of death.  Anyone with a relationship with Jesus can live a life free from the power of sin and the fear and power of death.  That's world changing.

  But consider how small it began. Oh momentous to us as Christians. But the birth of Jesus went unnoticed by those who lived in Rome.  Why most of the good people of Bethlehem missed it as well. While we get caught up in what happens on Good Friday, I doubt many beyond Jerusalem and Judea took notice when Jesus was crucified.  The Romans crucified a lot of people.

  Its a good reminder that When God sets out to change the world, its not always noticeable by the powers that be.  Its not usually done by those in power or by the celebrities of the day.  And yet God sues them to change the world every day as he continues His work of redeeming our world. Who are the world changers today? Not the star athlete, but the volunteer who gave up four hours on a Saturday night to ring bells for the Salvation Army. Its eh child who buys an extra toy to give to a toy drive. Its the parent who read a Bible Story to their children last night.  It's that dear saint who has taught Sunday School for the past thirty years and never had a class of more than five kids. It's the wife who prays for her husband's salvation. Its the husband praying for his wife as she leaves for deployment over seas to serve her country.

  Every day you and I have the opportunity to change the world. Everyday we are given a chance to share the incarnation of Jesus with someone. Please don't pass them by because you think either the gesture is too small, or you are too small in the grand scheme of things.  If Christmas teaches us Scythian it teaches us that God often changes the world through the smallest moments.

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Brian Jones <><

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